LuckyInspiringAnecdotes’s Blog

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Your 2010 Reflection January 4, 2010

Filed under: Updates — luckyinspiringanecdotes @ 7:37 am
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“Often we don’t listen to who we’re meant to be because we’re so busy trying to live out someone else’s ideas. But other people and their opinions hold no power in defining our destiny.”

— Oprah

The quote above is from the weekly newsletter of Oprah. I have chosen the entry “Who am I meant to be” as one of the tools to help me make my reflections for the previous year and this new year of the Tiger. This is to help me assess what has happened in the past year and what else is about to come.

To take the quiz, click:

The result of my quiz covered about 90% of what I am as of now. Now you might be asking what is the point of taking this test? I think it is essential that we evaluate ourselves from time to time to check what and where we are in our life. By having a constant check of our goals, then we can track our life’s purpose. But then again, based on the finding I received I am a person who wants to be recognized so maybe my view may be different from yours.

There are several categories to be assessed on. By taking the quiz, you will be given a score for each category. The categories are listed below. After taking the quiz, you can check out the link below to see what is the best job for you.

The different categories are:

Striving to help
Striving to be recognized
Striving to be creative
Striving to be spontaneous
Striving to be knowledgeable
Striving to be secure
Striving to be in control

I hope you enjoy taking the quiz.

Happy New Year!!!